Five Warriors will start once more in a largely unchanged squad with rotations taking place from last week’s win over Italy. Zander Fagerson start again being joined by Rory Sutherland as he rotates off the bench and into the starting line-up. The back-row is an all Glasgow unit as Jack Dempsey moves in to start […]
Attendance Glasgow Warriors: Al Kellock, Cameron MacAllister, Robyn Struthers Supporters: Mark Anderson, David Arnott, Morag Boyter, Ken Milne, Catriona Morrison, Iain Papworth, Ruth Scott, Robert Stewart, David Valentine, Kyle Walsh Apologies: Colleen Brandon, Ali Carberry, Irene Cowan, Kevin Millar, Andy Sime Points Discussed A request was made for more specialty coffee outlets. There is no […]
Attendance Glasgow Warriors: Al Kellock, John Manson, Robyn Struthers, Glen Tippett Supporters: Mark Anderson, David Arnott, Morag Boyter, Ali Carberry, Irene Cowan, Ken Milne, Catriona Morrison, Iain Papworth, Ruth Scott, Andy Sime, Robert Stewart, David Valentine, Kyle Walsh Apologies: Cameron MacAllister, Kenny Brown, Colleen Brandon, Kevin Millar Minutes Issue raised and addressed around the closure […]
Attendance Glasgow Warriors: Cameron MacAllister Supporters: Mark Anderson, David Arnott, Morag Boyter, Colleen Brandon, Ali Carberry, Irene Cowan, Kevin Millar, Iain Papworth, Andy Sime, Robert Stuart, David Valentine, Kyle Walsh Apologies: Kenny Brown, Stewart Croll, Al Kellock, Ken Milne, Catriona Morrison Minutes Mark Anderson on behalf of the group shared that Glasgow Warriors’ fan engagement […]
Attendance Glasgow Warriors: Alastair Kellock, Cameron MacAllister, Kenny Brown, Robyn Struthers, Martin Malone, and Natasha Coyle Supporters: Ali Carberry, David Arnott, Robert Stuart, Iain Papworth, David Valentine, Mark Anderson, Catriona Morrison, and Irene Cowan Apologies: Kevin Millar, Ken Milne, Stewart Croll, Andy Sime, Colleen Brandon, Morag Boyter, and Kyle Walsh Minutes We are expecting the public […]
Attendance Glasgow Warriors: Alastair Kellock, Cameron MacAllister, Kenny Brown, Molly Mitchell, Stuart Dow, and John Manson Supporters: Ali Carberry, Robert Stewart, Iain Papworth, David Valentine, Kevin Millar, Mark Anderson, Ken Milne, Catriona Morrison, and Stewart Croll Apologies: Chris Brown, Julie Craig (both have stood down), Andy Sime, David Arnott, Colleen Brandon, Morag Boyter, Kyle Walsh, Irene […]
Supporters Group: Meeting 4 Tuesday 6 June 2023 7-8pm Attendance Glasgow Warriors Al Kellock, Cameron MacAllister, John Manson, Molly Mitchell, Robyn Struthers Supporters Robert Stewart, Ali Carberry, David Arnott, David Valentine, Kevin Millar, Morag Boyter, Kyle Walsh, Catriona Morrison, Julie Craig, Irene Cowan Apologies Stewart Croll, Chris Brown, Mark Anderson, Andy Sime, Colleen Brandon Minutes […]
Supporters Group: Meeting 3 Tuesday 21 March 2023 6-7pm Attendance Glasgow Warriors: Al Kellock, Cameron MacAllister, John Manson, Stuart Dow, Jana Tobin, Robyn Struthers Supporters: Robert Stewart, Stewart Croll, Mark Anderson, Andy Sime, David Arnott, David Valentine, Colleen Brandon, Kevin Millar, Morag Boyter, Catriona Morrison, Julie Craig, Irene Cowan Apologies: Chris Brown, Ali Carberry, Kyle […]
Cultural Strategy: Being a Warrior Supporters Group: Meeting 2 Tuesday 15 November 2022 6pm-8pm Attendance Glasgow Warriors: Kenny Brown, Al Kellock, Duncan Seller, John Manson Apologies – Cameron MacAllister Supporters: Robert Stewart, Stewart Croll, Chris Brown, Mark Anderson, Ali Carberry, Kyle Walsh, Catriona Morrison, Irene Cowan, Andy Sime, David Arnott, David Valentine, Apologies – Kevin […]
The match will also see the Warrior Nation roar on their team from the Scotstoun stands for the first time in almost six months, with the club’s last home fixture resulting in a 40-12 victory over Zebre Parma back on Friday 1 April. Two of the four changes can be found in the front-row, as […]