‘Box office’ | How you welcomed Jack Dempsey to Glasgow

‘Box office’ | How you welcomed Jack Dempsey to Glasgow

It's fair to say the Warrior Nation was pretty excited by the unveiling of Glasgow's latest recruit - we take a look at some of the best social media reaction to the Australian's signing...

Guessing game

As soon as the teasers were posted, the Warrior Nation were off the mark in trying to identify the newest member of the club…

The reveal

Safe to say Jack was a popular man once his signing was officially confirmed at 6pm, with supporters thrilled at the Wallabies back-rower agreeing to join the Warriors.

Detective work

Kudos to those of you that correctly identified Jack’s signing pre-reveal, by the way…

Media reaction

A couple of Scotland’s premier rugby journalists were also quick to express their approval of Glasgow’s newest Warrior.


To end, though – how better to react to a signing announcement on Valentine’s Day than with this?…

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