Well-Fed launch donation wishlist

Well-Fed launch donation wishlist

It's been a year that has impacted every aspect of day-to-day life - for some in society, however, the impacts of COVID-19 have been even more keenly felt.

Whether through health or loss of income, there are those within Glasgow and the west of Scotland that have been disproportionally affected by the pandemic’s impact.

Well-Fed Scotland – the official Social Enterprise Partner of Glasgow Warriors – have been helping to fight these impacts from the front line; over the past 12 months, the organisation has cooked and distributed over one million free meals for those most in need, as well as offering free access to daily essentials through their Unit in South Street.

Without your support, though, these efforts would not have been possible. Indeed, the work is ongoing for Well-Fed – demand on the pantry is at an all-time high, with over 300 households visiting each week, making it difficult to keep up with demand for certain items.

With lockdown restrictions making it difficult for individuals and businesses to offer their support, Well-Fed have created an Amazon wishlist for those looking to donate products in high demand in the local community.

The process is safe and simple; you can click a product to purchase on Well-Fed’s behalf, pay for the product and it will be sent directly to Well-Fed, who will make sure it reaches those most in-need.

Click here to donate and support Well-Fed Scotland


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