Scotstoun pitch nominated for prestigious industry award

Scotstoun pitch nominated for prestigious industry award

The home ground of Glasgow Warriors has been nominated as a finalist in the prestigious Institute of Groundsmanship (IOG) Industry Awards 2018.

Scotstoun Stadium, which had a brand new 3G surface installed at the start of the 2017/18 season, has been recognised and is in a straight head-to-head for the title of ‘Best Managed Artificial Surface of the Year’ with the Beversbrook Sports Facility in Swindon.

The pitch is managed by Glasgow Warriors Groundsman Patrick Ferrie.

The celebrated turf at Scotland’s largest stadium, BT Murrayfield, which plays host to the Scotland national team and Edinburgh Rugby home games, has been short-listed in the “Professional Rugby Football Union Grounds of the Year” category.

It will contest the title with Ashton Gate, home to the Bristol Bears, the Welford Road ground of Leicester Tigers and Leeds Rugby, where Yorkshire Carnegie play.

Scottish Rugby’s head-groundsman, Jim Dawson said: “It is very pleasing to have the hard work we put in on a daily basis at both BT Murrayfield and Scotstoun acknowledged by our industry.

“We set ourselves very high standards and want to give the players, coaches and fans the best possible surface to enjoy their rugby on and like high performance side of the business it is very much a team effort for the ground staff too.”

Independent judging at each venue will now take place and the winners will be announced at the IOG Industry Awards dinner on Wednesday 31 October.

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