Managing Director Update | The Grand Final

Managing Director Update | The Grand Final

Dear Warrior Nation,  

Finals’ weeks are special and the excitement for Saturday’s Grand Final tangible. 

The work that has gone in from our whole team, on and off the field, to get us to this stage has been incredible. The support from our fans, commercial partners, and all the volunteers who give up their time for Glasgow Warriors has been unwavering. A huge thank you must go to each one of you.  

Like you all, I can’t wait to for the match this weekend. Our players and coaches are firmly focussed on completing the task before them. After our last match with the Bulls in May we know they are going to be a formidable opponent. We look forward to producing a performance that makes everyone connected to Glasgow Warriors proud. 

Unlike past finals, this year is different having to travel to Pretoria in South Africa. I understand that for many of you making the trip to South Africa isn’t possible. It is my hope that throughout this week you have felt a part of the journey to the final. I know that Franco and the players are incredibly proud to represent you and thrive on your support from home.  

We’re delighted to have so many of you gathering at our official fan zones at the Old Schoolhouse and Platform in Glasgow on Saturday. Also, that so many local rugby clubs will be showing the match.  

You can find a list of rugby clubs showing the final on our website. If you are aware of others we encourage you to leave a comment below and we’ll add those clubs to the list. 

Glasgow Warriors is a very special club to be a part of and Saturday is going to be a memorable occasion both in Pretoria and at home. I hope you all enjoy it. 

Come on Warriors! 

Yours in rugby,  

Al Kellock 



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