Highlands hero Colin Baillie MBE to present match ball

Highlands hero Colin Baillie MBE to present match ball

The match ball for this Friday night’s game will be delivered by a Highlands rugby legend, Colin Baillie MBE.

Baillie has received the Freedom of Inverness and an MBE for his dedication for teaching rugby and sport in the Highlands, and is known for his passion and enthusiasm and as well as his persistence and never-give-up attitude towards both rugby and life.

Baillie’s career is action packed and seemingly never ending, with his consistent involvement in rugby, the Highland Games, athletics, football, the Boys Brigade and even his Christian faith. He is a role model to both the children he teaches and those who see him in action, with his hard work and commitment being put into everything he does.

Speaking to glasgowwarriors.org, he said that he was ‘nearly knocked over’ when he was told he was delivering the match ball out of disbelief. Baillie has been involved with the rugby from the age of 10 and has played for many years and coached even more. He said that he, ‘just loved the game, meeting the people, shouting at kids and players.’

He continued, saying that he “didn’t know if [he] was a good coach but [he] got them moving and motivated and enjoyed every minute of it.”

He was excited to see a higher level of rugby played in the Highlands and ‘thinks it will bring more eyes to the sport and with very decent sides playing it’s a great form of promotion.’

”Rugby has grown a lot even in the past two years [in the Highlands], with a lot more youth coming through. It’s really got a lot better with lots of initiatives to get people playing,” said Baillie..

When asked to recount his fondest memories of his time with Highland Rugby Club, Baillie said:. ”my first memory of the club is when I went to a game, I was told I was playing fullback for the second XV.

“During the game, the opposing fullback kept running past me and scored three or four tries against me and made me look like a fool. The coach came up to me at the end of the game and said I was playing for the firsts next week, I said you’ve got to be joking!

“The coach then told me it was his cousin, Eddie McKeating, who had four caps for Scotland, that was the full back. That definitely made me feel less bad about the game!”’

He also went onto say his first game in the first team was alongside Scottish and British Lions player, Ernie Michie, against Moray in 1963, stating that Michie “looked after him that day.”

Baillie is the ideal person to start this pre-season game, similar to the Warriors, he strives to inspire more people into playing the amazing sport of rugby.

Glasgow Warriors take on Ayrshire Bulls at the Caledonian Stadium tomorrow night, with kick-off at 7.30pm.

We hope to see you there, rugby fans and locals alike!

Buy your tickets here!


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